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Home ❯ Introduction ❯ FACULTY ❯ Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities ❯ Detail news
  30/03/2020 11:28        


The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities is one of the major faculties of the University, decentralized and responsible for the training of majors in the humanities. The current Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities was formed and inherited on the basis of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Nha trang Education College - a faculty with 40 years of experience in teacher training for high schools. Currently, the faculty is training undergraduate majors such as Vietnamese Studies, Literature (Journalism, Media and Literature), and Office Administration at college level. In the school year 2020 - 2021, the faculty opened a new university major - Cultural Studies (Culture and Communication). For the academic year 2019-2020, enrolment to the first course in Literature (Journalism, Media and Literature) is of 70 students. The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities has always placed a strong emphasis on training standards in the open and competitive higher education environment today. The faculty constantly places a high priority on the development of skills and professions in addition to the production of comprehensive knowledge. The organization of vocational education and training is rigorous and scientific. In order to help students prepare for future occupations and develop practical skills, the faculty also frequently takes an interest in planning events, playgrounds, and clubs that are related to the training sector. Over the past 40 years, generations of graduates from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities have devoted themselves to the purpose of education and training, as well as the cultural development of their home province and surrounding provinces in a variety of roles in organizations, departments, and branches.

Tourism businesses in the province of Khanh Hoa, Quy Nhon University, the Hue University of Education, the Hanoi University of Culture, the Academy of Journalism and Propaganda, Da Lat University, and the University of Da Nang are some of the strategic partners of the faculty.

Staff & Lecturers of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities